What do we do? The Parish Council duties include: 

Management of recreation ground, hall and facilities and specific land within the Parish 

Review and comment on planning applications within the Parish 

Liaise with relevant authorities regarding infrastructure /policing/community issues to represent your views and get the best advantage for the local area 

Engage with all interested parties regarding current and future shape of life in the local area 

Who are we? The Parish has Councillors elected by the residents every four years. For more information on your Councillors’ click here 

When we meet. For more details on the dates, times and venue of Council meetings, please click here

  • Chairperson

    Calleywell Cottage, The Cross, Shillingstone, DT11 0SP
    Office : 01258 863656
    Email : rachel@shillingstone-pc.gov.uk
    Rachel McNamara
  • Vice-Chairperson

    Email : ian@shillingstone-pc.gov.uk
    Ian Suter
  • Councillor

    1 Vale Cottages, Blandford Forum, DT11 0SS
    Martin Barlow
  • Councillor

    Email : richard@shillingstone-pc.gov.uk
    Richard Leadbeater
  • Councillor

    22a, Wessex Avenue, Blandford Forum, DT11 0TG
    Email : mark@shillingstone-pc.gov.uk
    Mark Pomeroy
  • Councillor

    Email : rob@shillingstone-pc.gov.uk
    Robert Harwood
  • Councillor

    24 Schelin Way, Shillingstone, DT11 0TH
    Office : 01258 861345
    Email : kayrunyard@aol.com
    Kay Ridout
  • Councillor

    Long Thatch Blandford Road Shillingstone DT11 0SG
    Office : 01258 861753
    Email : richardwhite.j@gmail.com
    Richard White
  • Clerk

    32 Field Close, Sturminster Newton, Dorset, DT10 1QW
    Mobile : 07542 928169
    Email : clerk@shillingstone-pc.gov.uk
    David Green