Policies introduction here... (edit in the dashboard>Pages>Page Introductions)

Powers and Duties of Parish Councils

Powers and Duties of Parish Councils Adobe document

General Data Protection Regulations Policy

A guide to Shillingstone Parish Councils General Data Protection Regulations policy

Neighbourhood Plan 2016-2031

Shillingstone adopted its own Neighbourhood Plan in 2016

Complaints Procedure

Shillingstone Parish Council Complaints Procedure

Shillingstone Guide to Information 2019

Shillingstone Guide to Information 2019

Shillingstone PC Standing Orders 2022

Shillingstone Parish Council Standing Orders based on the National Association of Local Councils 2018 model, revised 2022

Parish Council Risk Assessment

Shillingstone Parish Council Risk Assessment

Code of Conduct

Shillingstone Parish Council Code of Conduct

Allotment policy & agreements

This document explains Shillingstone Parish Councils allotment allocation policies & terms for allotment holders

Financial Regulations

Shillingstone Parish Council Financial Regulations reviewed 2024